The Bright Side Blog

Creative Ways to Celebrate the Holidays

Creative Ways to Celebrate the Holidays

Our holiday festivities may look a little different this year, so we’re accepting the challenges and finding new ways to stay connected. Want a little inspiration for sparking joy this season? Your MYX coaches share the unique ways they’re getting into the holiday spirit. 

Get Crafty

Coach Dyan: I’m practicing two of my favorite traditions: decorating cookies and making gingerbread houses. Of course, these are messy projects that take loads of preparation and time, but there is fun in the madness.

Coach Dan: This year brings extra time to make thoughtful presents for loved ones. These are a few of my favorite creative Christmas ideas: a scrapbook or photo album of happy times together, an essay or letter about a special memory, and a video collage or tribute with messages from friends and family.

Coach Christina: My kids and I are surprising their great-grandparents with a little gift on each day of the “Twelve Days of Christmas.” We’re sending them something to bring a smile every time they open their mailbox, from drawings and baked goods to photos and sentimental gifts. 

MYX tip: Check out Pinterest for new ideas for homemade gifts, stocking stuffers, and classic holiday treats if you need new ideas.

Keep It Simple 

Coach Donna: Instead of gathering with friends and relatives, I’m enjoying some special quality time with my immediate family. We’re staying positive and creating new traditions that are simple and sweet.

Coach Kristin: I have family on opposite sides of the country, so managing holiday stress is always a little crazy for me. I’m finding a silver lining this year with less pressure and more time to embrace hygge (Danish for coziness and contentment) and to decorate.

Coach Shaun: If you're like me and have a favorite holiday movie, play a game every time there is a commercial break, each time someone in the movie does a particular action, or each time a character says a certain word. You can even make a mini-workout out of it and do five push-ups or 10 squats when this happens.

Stay Connected

Coach Bri: I’m having a virtual gift opening session with friends on Zoom. 

MYX tip: Check out Elfster's virtual gift exchange guide and Secret Santa Generator. Want more Zoom party ideas? Why not host a holiday-themed game night, happy hour, or ugly sweater contest?

Make New Memories

Coach Jesse: This year is all about having fun with my immediate family. We’re creating new memories and embracing the season with winter sports such as snow tubing, skiing, and snowboarding.

Happy Holidays! 

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