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Back to school fitness for busy families

Back to school fitness for busy families

For many families, life is returning to “normal.” Kids are going back to school in person and there’s a sense of positive new beginnings. Now more than ever, we’re aware of the importance of maintaining healthy habits. But faced with school runs, commuting, and organizing after-school activities, you’re probably wondering how you can carve out time for your workouts. We asked MYXfitness trainer, Christina LaGrega, for her recommendations. As a working mom with children in elementary, middle, high school, and college, Christina is an expert at navigating different schedules.

Motivation — it’s personal

When life gets hectic, that’s when you need the positive, mood-boosting power of exercise the most. Even if you only have 10 minutes, that’s enough time for a high-intensity workout session. MYX makes it easy to squeeze in a workout, whether you wake up a half hour early to hop on the bike before hustling the kids out the door, or use it to wind down at the end of the day. So why does it sometimes feel hard to just do it?

Christina points to the difference between motivation and inspiration. Motivation is something you can see or touch, such as getting in shape for a specific event or rewarding your efforts with a new piece of clothing. Inspiration is internal, a feeling that makes us want to work out. She says this inspiration is always personal, so “make a connection with yourself and tie the workout to that connection.” Once you do, you can use a combination of motivation and inspiration to help you stay on track.

Turn family time into fitness time

Whether it’s walking the dog or kicking a ball around in the park, making fitness a family priority benefits everyone. “It must be a built-in, non-optional part of your family’s schedule,” says Christina.

For younger kids, Christina uses gamification — adding elements of play or friendly competition — to make a family workout fun. You can use inexpensive items like pool noodles and cardboard boxes to create an obstacle course in the backyard. When suggesting exercise for teenagers or older children, cater to their interests. She reminds her own teens that exercise helps them do things they enjoy — like boosting their video game scores by improving their brain function.   

Navigating the new (old) normal

No matter what challenges you face, Christina emphasizes being kind and patient with yourself. Short-term goals give you a sense of control. To tap into support from like-minded community members, join other MYX members as part of the MYXfitness Member Motivation Facebook group. At the end of the day, feeling good just makes us happy. So as Christina says, “Press play today and show up for your workout, either alone or with the fam.” You’ve got this!

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