The Bright Side Blog

Continue the games with summer sport workouts

Continue the games with summer sport workouts

The summer Olympics have come and gone, spotlighting the debut of five new sports, including vacation staples like surfing and sport climbing. Feeling inspired? If you want to earn beach cred with your kids, consider trading a boogie board for the real deal, or bond over the thrill of rock climbing at a local rec center. 

Elite athletes make it look easy, but most of us need a little preparation to enjoy these activities to the fullest. We asked two MYXfitness experts, Miriam Alicea and Shaun Tubbs, for their tips. 

To excel at any physical activity, Miriam stresses the importance of a well-rounded fitness routine. “When you see an Olympic athlete, you see the final package,” she says. “That’s not the result of only one type of exercise — it’s the result of many different exercises to achieve an overall goal.”

But, as Shaun notes, you can benefit from specific exercises to improve surfing or rock climbing, and even workouts for volleyball — already an Olympic favorite. We tend to think these sports are the workout, but strengthening specific muscle groups helps to optimize performance.

Workouts for surfing

While you may not be looking to tackle epic swells, riding the waves uses the entire body. Shaun recommends the MYX bike for its unilateral movements, plus workouts that move you from the bike to the floor, such as MYX’s Total Body Sculpt. Basic squats count as a full-body workout, while single-leg squats are ideal for balance — prepping you for the side-to-side motions on a surfboard. Feeling a little wobbly? Shaun advises standing on one leg for a minute at a time and building up gradually.

Workouts for rock climbing

Before you start scaling iconic peaks or your local climbing wall, try short bursts of power training, such as HITT, to enhance your strength. Miriam suggests kettlebell workouts, since they maximize strong, quick, explosive movements.

Shaun recommends his two core workouts, cross-training rides, and the ride and strength workout, all found in the MYXfitness app. These are ideal workouts for rock climbing because they enhance your balance as you focus on strength training and endurance.

Ready to hang five or take bouldering to new heights? While few of us are at the level of a Carissa Moore or an Alex Honnold, everyone can improve their game and enjoy these sports. If you’re ready to try something new, tag us on Instagram and show us your best moves.

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